Museo Sorolla, Madrid

One of Madrid’s most delightful house museums, Museo Sorolla, charts the life of Joaquin y Bastida Sorolla through his art and in his home – where he worked and lived from 1911 to 1923. Famed for being the Spanish ‘painter of light’, his impressionistic style and ability to capture the tones of the Mediterranean coastline around Valencia, makes him one of Spain’s most loved early twentieth-century artists.

Sorolla commissioned the building of the house in 1909 and personally designed the garden.
The garden has many peaceful areas to sit, protected from the busy P. del General Martinez Campos by a high wall.
‘Walk by the sea’, 1909 (centre canvas). Sorolla’s most representative style showing his wife and daughter walking along the beach in Valencia.
Sorolla’s studio-workshop
‘The Horse’s Bath’, 1909 (right canvas). Sorolla’s most significant, popular, work.
Reception room